Causes of Flower Deterioration and Death | Proper steps to condition plant materials | Basic Cut Flower Requirment | Floral Preservatives | Commercial Packing and Shipping |
One day
How long does a day lily last?
Before they fully open, and at peak of color
Harvesting flowed is best when?
It is important that all parts of the plant-stems, leaves, flower-be?
Excessive water loss is through?
What are flowers separated into
5-7 days
How long do roses last?
A rose with green sepals and may not open because it's underdeveloped
What is a green rose
Water that contains high amounts of minerals, which also make the water alkaline?
Hard water
A common cause of premature flower wilting is?
Stem blocking
Bunched by the same color
Flowers are what before they are slippered
10-14 days
How long do carnations last?
It insures there will be water in the stem not air
Why is cutting under water better?
The preparation of cut plant materials for arranging by allowing for adequate solution update?
Condition flowers in warm water preservative solution?
These boxes are quickly what
5-7 days
How long do snap dragons last?
A blockage in th exiled by air or debris
What causes "bent neck" in roses?
The use of blank may be needed to remove the minerals in the water?
Flowers are _ percent water?
Cool air to flow through the box
Precooling allows for what
It's source of nourismant is cut off.
What happens once a flower or foliage has been harvested from the mother plant?
Place I a warm perservative and immediately recut th esteem ended water
What is the solution of "bent neck"
Once the flowers have been conditioned or blank, the flower buckets should be kept in a cool place such as a cooler?
Water with an acidic pH _ is ideal for fresh cut flowers?
What are flowers