expressions avec avoir | Expressions avec être | Adjectifs | Les verbes en -ir | Les verbest en -re |
J'ai faim
You have not eaten in ten days. How are you feeling?
Je suis en train d'étudier.
You have five tests tomorrow. What are you busy doing?
Elle est drôle.
She tells many funny jokes. How would you describe her?
Je finis avec mes devoirs.
say, "I am done with my homework."
Je vends ________
You are a salesman. What do you sell?
J'ai soif
say, "I am thirsty."
Elle est à _______________
À qui est cette montre?
Il est mechant
he is mean
Elle grossit
She only eats junk food. What is happening to her body?
Il rend visite à ton oncle.
Say, "He is visiting his uncle.
J'ai froid
The temperature is -100 degrees. How are you feeling
Il est en avance
He arrived thirty minutes early. How would you describe his arrival?
Il est riche
He has a billion dollars. How would you describe him?
Il maigrit
He hasn't eaten for days. What is happening to his body weight?
Je perds ma montre.
Say i am loosing my watch
J'ai chaud.
The temperature is 100 degrees. How are you feeling?
Il est en retard
He arrived thirty minutes late. How would you describe his arrival?
Je suis pauvre.
You don't have any money. How would you describe yourself
Je choisis ______________
Qu'est que tu choisis?
Oui, je entends toi.
Est-ce que tu entends moi?
J'ai treize ans.
Quelle âge as-tu?
Il est à l'heure
He arrived on time. How would you describe his arrival?
Je suis poli (e)
You always say please and thank you. How would you describe yourself
Je réussis à mon examen
You just passed a test. What would you say?
Je attends pour lui.
Il est en retard. Qu'est que tu fais?