Jacques Cartier | Samuel de Champlain | Henry Hudson | Other |
What country did Cartier sail for?
What country did Champlain sail for?
England and the Netherlands
What countries did he sail for?
Searching for spices, riches, and a Northwest Passage
Why were people exploring?
What country did he name?
Where did Champlain form a settlement?
Packs of ice blocked his path
What obstacles did Hudson encounter?
A waterway connecting the Atlantic and Pacific oceans which would make it easier to trade
What was the Northwest Passage?
Discovered the St. Lawrence River and settled Montreal
What were Cartier's accomplishments?
Huron Indians
What Indian tribe did he side with?
Hudson Strait, Hudson Bay, and the Hudson River where New York City eventually formed
What did he discover?
People began settling on land that is now the United States and Canada
What impact did exploration have?