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What is "faire de la planche a roulettes"
How do you say "skateboarding" in French?
What is bonjour, je'mappelle
How do you say "hello, my name is..". in french
What is j'aime
how to say how do you say "i like,"
What is le football
How do you say Soccer in French
What is ca roul ma poule
how do you say "whats up" in french
What is j'adore
how to say i really like
What is le hockey
How do you say Hockey in French
What is quel age as tu?
how do you ask somebody there age
What is j'aime mange
hoe to say i like eating
What is Jeux Video
How do you say Video Games in French
What is comment ca va
how do you say how are you doing
What is je tres marche
how to say i walk lots
What is patinage
How do you say Skating in French
What is je suis... ans
how do you say your age?
What is je detest je chein
how to say i dont like dogs