Adverbes | Fill in the blanks (change the english word with the correct french word) | Replace the Opposite (replace the word with a world that means opposite to it) | Transform the adjectives to adverbs (remember -ment) | Chose the correct adverb/ Translate the sentences |
What is a adverb
This changes a verb, an adjective and a adverb
What is dehors
Les enfants jouent (outside)
What is parfois
Souvent- Often
The opposite word means sometimes |
What is heureusement
It comes from the adjective heureux
What is Bizarrement
Bizzarrement, bizarrement, bizarment
What is quantité (quantity)
Ex. Beaucoup, assez, moins, plus, peu
What is a French adverb
They never change form
What is là
Ici- Here
The opposite word means there |
What is vraiment
It comes from the adjective vrai
What is Poliement
Poliement , Politement, Poliment
What is Lieu (place)
Ex. ici, loin, dehors, partout
What is près et loin
Ils sont sur la plage(near) de ocean et(far) de la maison
What is toujours
Jamais- never
The opposite word means always |
What is courageusement
It comes from the adjective couragueux
What is J'attends calement I'autobus
I am waiting calmly for the bus
What is hier, aujourd'hui, demain
Yesterday, today, tomorrow
What is déjà et tôt
Il est(already) 11h mais il est(early) pour Paul.
What is partout
Je(ne) vois mes chandails( nulle part)
ne- not nulle part- nowhere The opposite word means everywhere |
What is lentement
It comes from the adjective lent
What is rapidement
Rapidment, rapidement, rapidemant
What is quantité , hier, temps, négation / affirmation / doute
There are 5 categories of Adverbs
What is maintenant et puis
Paul peut être paresseux(now and then).
What is près
loin- far
The opposite world means near |
What is joliment
It comes from the adjective joli
What is enfin, nous jouons correctement
At last we are playing correctly