Lego | Star Wars | Pets | Video Games | letters |
What is technic
These bricks are used for motion, mechanics, sculpting, and structure.
Who is Caleb Dume
This young padawan runs away after his master is killed because of Order 66
Who is Parsnip
Almost everyone knows who this little trouble maker is.
Who is Mario
This guy's hat must be really sore.
What is a
What are system bricks
These bricks were the first ever Lego bricks created.
Who is Count Dooku
This apprentice disappeared and was found later as the ruler of the Separatists.
Who is Pom Pom
This cat seems to be behind the mice found on the porch and sometimes in the garage.
What is Animal Crossing
You spend most of your time weeding.
What is b
What is triangle
Lego frames will not flatten when made into this shape.
What is a lightsaber
This bright death stick is known across the galaxy.
What is a fish
This creature is boring to have, but interesting to look at.
What is apple
What is r
What is yellow
The faces of Lego mini figures are this color.
What is the Millennium Falcon
This ship is said to have made the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs.
What is a Bearded Dragon
This creature's chin turns black.
What is fruit
What is t
What is a 2x2 red system brick
This brick is the most common Lego piece.
What is a Terrellian jango jumper
This creature was behind the plot to steal Ahsoka's lightsaber.
What is a fennec fox
This tiny creature is illegal in 4 states.
What is undertale
I got stuck at the spider battle because I didn't eat her doughnuts.
What is c