Zoology Through the Centuries Fears Made Material
What is a dog?
MRI scans were recently used to understand whether this common family pet is actually capable of forming emotional bonds with its owner.
What is the 19th century?
In this century, a group of European poets — dubbed the Romantics — made emotional expression a defining quality of their art.
What is the real estate market?
Disregarding data that predicted an imminent crash within this economic market, the United States succumbed to an economic recession in 2007.
What is a pelican?
This seabird feeds by scooping up great mouthfuls of seawater and hoping they caught some fish.
What is the 20th century?
In this century, the Heaven's Gate cult believed that the coming of the comet Hale-Bopp would cleanse the Earth of "lesser beings".
What is stalking?
After the murder of television personality Shiori Ino in 1999, the Japanese judicial system finally implemented laws intended to combat this form of sociopathic behavior.
What is a platypus?
This wide-billed quadruped native to Australia belongs to an unusual order of egg-laying mammals known as monotremes.
Who is the 13th century?
In this century, the Mongols notoriously achieved simultaneous rule over Persia, China, and Egypt for a brief period.
What is a typhoon?
The climate on the coasts of southeast Asia ensures a great frequency of this natural disaster, which has led to a number of architectural innovations.
What is krill?
An adult Baleen whale consumes almost two tons of this planktonic crustacean a day.
What is the 16th century?
In this century, after refusing to submit to Spanish invaders, this central American empire came to an ignominious end due to an outbreak of small pox.
What is a stammer?
As detailed in the recent film The King's Speech, King George VI received the assistance of speech therapist to overcome this form of speech impediment that had hindered his communication since he was a child.
What is a white rhinocerous?
This rare animal, known by the species classification Cerotetherium Simum, once grazed the plains of southern Africa before overhunting led to its decline.
What is the 19th century?
In this century, Jeanne Baré became the first woman to circumnavigate the Earth by using a male pseudonym to board the ship of Louis Antoine de Bougainville.
What is severe cranial trauma?
No amount of prayer could have prevented Philip Hughes' death from this form of injury after being struck in the head during a recent cricket match.

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