Basic Fractions | Adding Fractions | Poetry | Is this Math? | Decimals and Percents? |
What is 3/4?
This fraction is the simplified version of 6/8.
What is common denominators?
What you need to find in order to add two fraction together.
What is 0.75?
3/4 as a decimal
What is alliteration?
The repetition of initial sounds
What is Diego?
Dora the Explorer walked 1/4 of a mile in the morning and 1/3 of a mile after lunch. What is the name of her cousin?
What is 1 whole?
The benchmark that 7/9 is the closest to.
What are numerators?
The part of the fractions that you add together.
What is divide?
How you change a fraction into a decimal.
What is personification?
A figure of speech in which an object takes on human qualities
Who is Andy?
Buzz and Woody had 2 buckets to put all 76 Army men in when they were cleaning up. Whose bedroom do they live in?
What is 1/3?
The largest fraction in the group: 1/4, 1/3, 2/10
What is simplify?
What we should always do to our answers after we add fractions together.
What is 20%?
1/5 as a percent.
What is a metaphor?
Comparing two unlike things
What is Abu?
In his life, the Genie granted 3 wishes to 426 different people. What is the name of Aladdin's monkey?
What is Flounder?
The Little Mermaid used meters to measure Prince Eric's boat. What is the name of her fishy friend?
What is divide?
What you must do to change an improper fraction into a mixed number.
What is 100?
What are percents always out of?
What is onomatopoeia?
The use of words that imitate a sound
What is 11/12?
1/4 + 2/3 =
What is Sven?
Anna and Christoff walk 3 miles in 1 hour during the terrible blizzard started by Queen Elsa. What is the name of the reindeer?
What are 12 and 24?
Two examples of common denominators for 3 and 4.
What is 3/4?
Which is greater? 3/4, 60% or 0.7
What is hyperbole?
Extreme exaggeration used for an effect or to make an impression
What is eight and four fifths?
Five and one half plus three and three tenths.