Place value | Multiplication | division | Subtraction | Addition |
What is ten times greater?
In the number 111 each digit is ….
What is 675?
What is 42 r 1
127 divided by 3
What is 33
105 - 72
What is 11,140
4351+ 6789
What is thousands place?
in the number 220, 476 the 0 holds the...
What is 3,303
What is 18
54 divided by 3
What is 966
1,678 - 712
What is 58,644
What is 5 ten thousands?
in the number 453,000 he five is worth...
What is 2,835
What is 71 r 2
286 divided by 4
What is 22,913
24,873 - 1,960
What is 795,403
125,897 + /// = 921,300
What is 9x 100,000?
in base ten form the 9 in 940,546 is worth...
What is4,602
What is 188
376 divided by 2
What is 101,911
131,762 - 29,851
What is 1,112,150
987, 453 + 124,697
What is 40 tens?
the 4 in 410 is worth...
What is 69
5x ///=345
What is 271
813 divided by 3
What is 197,882
569,103 - 371,221
What is
⅓+ ¾=