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What is to measure tree height?
The purpose of a clinometer.
What is magnetic north?
The magnetic needle of a compass always points here.
What is a keystone species?
Any species that if removed would dramatically change the ecosystem.
What is the White Trillium?
This is the provincial flower of Ontario.
What is White Pine?
The tallest tree measured in the field today.
What is 360 degrees?
The number of degrees on the Rotating House.
What is Carnivora/Carnivore?
The skull of this order of animals has forward facing eyes.
What is the White Pine?
This is the provincial tree of Ontario.
What is breast height (1.3m)?
At what height is the diameter of a tree measured
What is the orienting arrow?
This is the wandering needle that you are aiming to put inside the red housing to determine azimuth.
What is the Yellow-bellied Sapsucker?
This animal creates small circular holes in rows of the bark of various tree species (Hemlock and Basswood) in Ontario.
What is the Common Loon?
This is the provincial bird of Ontario.
What is Red Pine?
Which tree has long needles in bundles of 2.
What is an azimuth?
In orienteering, degrees on the Degree Dial are referred to as this.
What are Moose and White-tailed Deer?
Large mammals which prefer to yard in conifer stands during the winter months.
What is Amethyst?
This is the provincial mineral of Ontario.
What are calipers?
What tool measures DBH in 2 cm increments.
What is flat on the palm of the hand?
This is how you must hold a compass in order to get the bearing.
What are Pileated Woodpeckers and White Tailed Deer?
The two species that signify a healthy forest in Ontario.
Who is Sir Sandford Fleming?
This man invented Worldwide Standard Time.