Amkus | Rope | Barn Building |
What is 16,950
What is the closing force of the AMK 30CX
What is 9000 lbs or 40kN
What is the rating of the 1/2” rope we carry
What is 3
How many diagonal bracing is required for shore 11-17’
What is 200,807
What is the Cutting force of the AMK 22
What is 67%
A Bowline maintains how much percent of the rating of the rope?
What is Collect Load, Support Load, and Distribute Load
What makes up the Double Funnel
What is 30,605
What is the pushing force of the AMK 60R
What is 4000lbs or 18kN
What is the rating of 1” tubular webbing
What is 24,000
What is the rating of a 4x4 crib box
What is 3500 psi @ 0.58 GPM and 10,500 psi @ 0.15 GPM.
What are the numbers of the 2 stages of the Simultaneous Operation of the MiniSimo
What is 44kN
What is the rating of the CMC Pro-Series carabiners we carry
What is 60,000
What is the rating of a 6x6 crib box
What is 3500 psi @ 1.17 GPM and 10,500 psi @ 0.32 GPM.
What are the numbers of the 2 stages of the Boost Mode of the MiniSimo
What is Load test and safety check
What are you to do before putting a live load on rope
What is header, sole, 4 wedge packs, 2 post, 3 cleats, 1 half gusset, and shims and cross bracing as needed.
Name the components to construct a window or door shore