Glass and Soil | Blood and DNA | Toxicology | Firearms and Impressions | Entomology and Human Remains |
On the opposite side as the force....Radial
Where do the first fractures appear when glass is pushed past its limits? What are these fractures called?
The impact angle can be determined by the degree of circular distortion (oval v. round)
If you see blood on the wall, what would you take into consideration to determine the location of the origin of the spots?
The amount of a substance that will kill 30% of the exposed population within about 4 hours
LD 30 refers to this
Class: Make, model, size, tread
Individual: Wear on the tread, nick patterns
List 2 class and 1 individual characteristic of a footprint
What do you call the changes insects go through during their life cycle?
The glass is less dense than the liquid
If a piece of glass floats on top of a liquid, how does the density of the glasscompare to the density of the liquid?
Nuclear--from both parents--best individual evidence Forensic Scientists have!
Mitochondrial--from mom only
What are the two types of DNA and where are they inherited from?
What is the legal limit of alcohol in the blood for an adult to drive?
Class for both
Are the lands and grooves created on the bullet from the rifling inside the barrel class or individual characteristics of the gun and the barrel?
Rigor Mortis
The stiffening of muscles that occurs from 2 to 30 hours after death
What do you call disintegrated material that lies on or near the surface of the Earth?
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
When only a small amount of DNA is recovered from a crime scene, how do scientist make more?
Alcohol appears in the blood within minutes of consumption
Why are blood alcohol levels the accepted measurement for intoxication?
To estimate the shot distance--more nitrite means the gun was closer to the targe
How is the Greiss test helpful to Forensic Scientists?
1 to 1 1/2 degrees per hour
What is the rate of cooling for a body after death?
Refractive Index
Which test uses Becke Lines?
A antigens and B antibodies.
Can donate to A and AB. Receive from A and O
What are the antigens and antibodies present in a person with type A blood? Who can they donate blood to? Who can they receive blood from?
What is the field sobriety test that looks for twitching of a suspect's eyes?
Parallel sets of scratches on a bullet caused by imperfections in the barrel of hte gun--INDIVIDUAL
What are striae? Are the class or individual evidence?
They collect some flies and raise them under conditions similar to those the corpse was found in (ADH)
How do Forensic Entomologists use flies to estimate the time of death for a corpse found outside?
Radial cracks form Right angles on the Reverse side of the force
What is the 3R Rule?
Restriction Enzymes.
They can use it to separate DNA fragments so that they can be characterized
What are used to cut DNA into smaller pieces when doing RFLP? How does RFLP help scientists?
Ink Chromatography
What test is used to identify all the colors that are present in ink?
Fire another bullet through the same gun and compare the bullets
What would an investigator do to determine if a bullet was fired from a particular gun?
Bacteria breaking the body down
What causes bloating and greenish color of a decaying corpse?