Dating | Entertainment and Media | Dress and Appearance | Sabbath Day Observance | Work and Self-Reliance |
What is the age when you may begin dating?
Who uses media to deceive you?
How can you show that you know how precious your body is?
Through your dress and appearance
What has the Lord given for your benefit and has commanded you to keep it holy?
Sabbath Day
What will help you contribute to the world in which you live?
Developing the capacity to work
What should you avoid when you begin dating?
Frequent dates with the same person
What is especially dangerous and addictive?
Who has continually counseled God's children to dress modestly?
Prophets of God
What does honoring the Sabbath day include?
Attending all your Church meetings
What should you set for yourself and work hard to achieve?
High Goals
Who should generally take the initiative in asking for and planning dates?
Young men
What should you do if you are involved in pornography?
Cease now
What is clothing that is tight, sheer, or revealing in any other manner?
Immodest clothing
What shows respect for the Lord and His holy day?
Your behavior and dress
What can lead to inappropriate behavior, damaged relationships, and sin?
Who is responsible to protect each other's honor and virtue?
A young man and a young woman
What should not replace spending time with your family and friends?
Use of social media
When do you send the message that you are using your body to get attention and approval?
When you dress immodestly
What is not a day for shopping, recreation, or athletic events?
What is using the blessing and abilities God has given you to care for yourself and your family and to find solutions to your own problems?
What is essential in God's plan of happiness?
Marrying in the temple and creating an eternal family
Who will give you strength to make correct choices?
Holy Ghose
Would I feel comfortable with my appearance if I were in His presence?
The Lord
What will bring you closer to the Lord and to your family?
Observing the Sabbath
What does self-reliance not mean?
To be able to do all things on your own