Honesty and Integrity/Gratitude | Language | Sexual Purity | Family/Friends | Service/Tithes & Offerings |
When should we be honest with yourself, others, and God?
At all times
What reflects who you are as a son or daughter of God?
How you communicate
What is physical intimacy?
Reserved for marriage
What is required to make a strong family?
What is an important characteristic of a disciple of Jesus Christ?
What will turn your heart to the Lord and help you recognize His influence and blessings in your life?
What should be done when you are tempted to say harsh or hurtful things?
Leave them unsaid
What helps you to be confident and truly happy and improves your ability to make good decisions now and in the future?
Remaining Sexually Pure
Who will be a great stength and blessing to you?
Good and true friends
Whose example should you follow as you serve?
The Savior
When should you pour out your heart to your Father in Heaven in thanks for the blessings you have received?
In your prayers
What is profane, vulgar, or crude language or gestures, and jokes or stories about immoral actions?
These are offensive to God and to others
What withdraws from one who is in sexual transgression?
The Spirit of the Lord
How can you encourage your friends to live the gospel?
Strive to live the gospel
What is the amount of your income that you pay in tithing?
How can you express gratitude to the Lord?
By the way you live
What is the manner in which the names of God and Jesus Christ should be used?
Reverence and Respect
What can help you resist temptation and overcome inappropriate thoughts and feelings?
Prayer to Heavenly Father
How can you have good friends?
Be a good friend
What is important in paying tithing?
What is thinking and doing what is right at all times, no matter what the consequences?
What forms of communication do these standards apply to?
All forms of communication
What can encourage others to be sexually pure?
Words and actions
How should you help in your home?
How will the Lord bless you as you obey the law of tithing and the law of the fast?
Spiritually and temporally