What is "white food"
Diana's Achilles heel in cooking
What is Keep working
Diana's plan for retirement
What is roll her eyes
Diana does this every time Steve is on his day off
What is Government Rapids
Diana's favorite place between a rock and a hard place
What is too little food
Diana is not able to cook this
What is a usual email, Dianagram
This occupies 3 printed pages, single spaced
What is Steve
The name Diana never calls Steve
What is Diana not being in control of the food
Diana's 60th birthday and the Snake River trip have this in common
What is a 7 course meal
Diana prepares this for a 3 course meal
What is "I'll do it myself."
This is what Diana does when encountering incompetence at work
What is Diana teaching a recreational sport ie, rowing, biking, skiing
Activities where Diana behaves as a drill sergeant
What are her hiking poles
Two items that Diana has trouble using on a hike
What is in Diana's kitchen
This could end world hunger
What is drive thru vaccine shot clinics
Fast food drive thru in Tuba has nothing on Diana's invention
What is stinkeye
Diana does this when she is angry with you
What is "It's just a flesh wound."
Diana might have said this when gushing blood from her forehead
What is never
This is the frequency of Steve and Diana eating alone
What is "That which does not kill you makes you stronger."
Diana's response to all hard endeavors
What is Diana's speech rate
Faster than the speed of light
What is heat exhaustion when hiking with Ebe
Diana threw down her hiking poles and said "no, I'm not doing this any more " and sat on the ground