Constitutionally Speaking | Who’s Who (We want you to name names.) | Acronyms | It’s the Law | FIAR |
What is the House of Representatives ?
All bills for raising Revenue shall originate here.
Who is Sun Tzu?
He wrote “The Art of War”
What is the Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution System?
What is pecuniary responsibility?
Disbursing Officers, cashiers, and collecting officers all have this kind of responsibility for monies
entrusted to their care, and will be held Personally responsible for any loss or theft of these funds. |
What is:
Existence? Completeness? Valuation? Rights? Presentation?
3 of the Management’s 5 financial statement assertions for the audit
What is 3?
The Constitution establishes how many branches of government
Who is President Barack Obama?
This person is the current Chairman of the National Security Council.
What is Budget Estimate Submission?
What is “subject to availability”?
Before an appropriation act has been Enacted for a fiscal year, contracts may be entered into, but only if this clause is contained in the contractual documents.
What are the four basic financial Statements in the Annual Financial Report?
Balance Sheet, Statement of Budgetary Resources, Statement of Net Costs, Statement of Changes in Net Position
What is a Pocket Veto?
The method by which the President can prevent a bill from becoming Law without vetoing it.
Who is the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff:
Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey?
He is the Senior Military Advisor to the President, NSC, and the Secretary of Defense.
What is The Office of Management and Budget?
What is bona fide?
Comptroller General Decision
33 Comp. Gen 57 states: A fiscal year appropriation may be obligated only to meet a legitimate, or this, need … for which the appropriation was made. |
DCAA, DFAS, US Army Corps of Engineers Civil Works, Military Retirement Fund (MRF)
Three Defense organizations/ entities with full scope clean (unmodified) audit opinions for FY 2013.
What are appropriations made by Law?
No money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of of these.
Who is Vice President Biden?
This official is the President of the Senate.
What is the American Society of Military Comptrollers Professional Development Institute
What is the Anti-Deficiency Act (ADA)?
31 USC 1341, 31 USC 1342, and 31 USC 1517 form the cornerstone of this, which prohibits making or
authorizing an expenditure or obligation exceeding the amount available in an appropriation. |
What are Entity Level Controls?
Control activities at this level are Pervasive to an organization.
What is when the President signs it after passage by the House and Senate?
A bill becomes law when this happens.
Who is the Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel?
He is a former Army sergeant, a successful businessman, and US Senator.
What are Military Interdepartmental
Purchase Requests ?
What is: when authorized
by Congress?
Basic Axiom of Fiscal Law: that the expenditure of public funds is only proper when this occurs. (Hint: not that public funds may be expended unless prohibited by Congress.)
What is the Annual Statement of Assurance?
Annual internal controls report that is required to be signed by the Secretary of Defense.