Hue, Value, and Intensity | Color Schemes | Definitions | Effects of color | True or false |
An element of art that is derived from reflected light
What is color?
Colors that sit side by side on the color wheel and have a common hue.
What are Analogous colors?
The art element that describes the lightness or darkness or a color.
What is Value?
No, but is kinda the same
Is tonality exact same as monochrome?
Green and violets are warm colors.
True or False- An arrangement that is the same on both sides is symmetrically balanced.
Split Complement
_________ - The split combination of one hue plus the hues on each side of its complete.
The brightness or dullness of a hue.
What is Intensity?
Light, bright colors.
What colors create happy & upbeat moods?
Red, orange, and yellow are analogous colors.
Black, White, and Gray.
What are the neutral colors?
Blue, Green, Violet.
What are cool colors?
The element of art that refers to the emptiness or area between, around, above or below, or within objects.
Can color effect feeling?
Monochrome means different colors.
Color wheel.
________ - the spectrum bent into a circle.
True or False- the strongest contrast of a hue is produced by complementary colors.
Weak image of complementary colors created by a viewer's brain as a reaction to prolonged looking at a color.
What is Afterimage?
What do artist used to creat movement and depth in art?
Color triads use multiple of different colors.
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Violet.
What are the colors of the spectrum? (In order)
Orange, Green, Violet
What does the secondary triad contain?
When light passes through a wedge-shape glass, called a prism, the beam of white light is bent and separated into bands or colors.
What is the color spectrum?
The late nineteenth century
What time period did western artist try to capture the color as it appeared?
Purples slept complements are yellow and orange