Proportion | Balance | Rhythm | Transition | Dominance and focal point |
What is part of proportion, dealing with relative size only among things, not shape?
What is the arrangements equilibrium or equality in weight, both physical and visual?
What is the illusion that all of the flower stems are coming from one point?
The overall form of a design should flow in which direction?
Top to bottom
What does the technique of dominance do to an arrangement?
It emphasizes the main feature
Where is it more appropriate to place a small floral arrangement?
A small niche or small area
When both sides of the design have, or seem to have, the same physical weight..
Symmetrical balance
The placement of too many verticals or horizontals without the transitional angles will make a design look ...
Flat or unsatisfactory
Rhythmic change does what to the arrangement?
Harmonize and unify
What is another name for a center of interest?
Focal point or focal area
The arrangement should be fitting to the...
Room, theme, or location
Visual balance should be evident in which view?
Side to side, from top to bottom, or front to back
What is the goal look for a floral design?
A three dimensional figure
What is a technique used for a good transition?
Small to large, light to dark, linear to round, or spacious to clustered
Large flowers, dark shades, and accessories are examples of what?
Center of interest
What is the relationship between size and shape among objects?
What is the technique of placing dominant plant materials along the central vertical axis ?
Repetition is important in creating what?
What is a diverse assortment or amount different components?
What isthroughout dominance and contrast, a design gains both ..
Unity and variety
What is the most basic step to creating a proportional arrangement?
Selecting the container
What are the two types of rhythm?
Regular, repeated & free,variable
What is the repeated use of one or more of the design elements, such as a flower shape, color, space, or line throughout the floral design?
What does dominance let the viewer know?
The most important feature in the design
What is an arrangement that does not always have a focal point?
Centerpiece or vase arrangements.