Location | Place | Human Environment Interaction | Movement | Region |
What is relative location
A description of where something is located
What is human characteristics
Used to describe the people of an area based on characteristics such as religion, language, and holidays
What is depend on it, modify it, and adapt to it
Ways in which we interact with the environment
What is human, information/idea, goods
Three (or four) ways in which movement is categorized
What are regions
A way to categorize and chunk the world by using similar characteristics that unite people
What is absolute location
Uses latitude and longitude to tell where someplace is at
What is physical characteristics
Used to describe the people of an area based on characteristics such as climate, soil, wildlife, plants, and land features
What is the Middle East
Region of the world that has a higher dependency on oil than any other export from that region
What is information or idea movement
This type of movement mainly takes place over the internet, on T.V., or through mail, magazines, and newspapers
What are Formal Regions
Regions defined by governments or have similar characteristics based on the people, production of goods, land, etc.
What is the quator and prime meridean
Latitude and Longitude have two main lines that represent 0°
What is Missouri
This state contains the gateway to the west, is known for it's BBQ, and has two major sports teams in two popular major leagues
Who is the Once-ler
The character that caused all of the trouble in the Dr. Suess book "The Lorax"
What is Facebook
A billion dollar a year social media site that people use to information about themselves and others
What are Functional Regions
Regions based on a service that is provided, be it newspapers, cell phones, sewage, or even trash pickup
What is North America
Continent located in a latitude/longitude with a North and West direction
What is Bolivia
The country that has closed all of it's McDonald's because it was not popular enough
What is recycling
One of the easiest ways to get involved in managing how you interact with the environment as you consume goods/services throughout the year
What is Twitter
A social media site that spreads information faster than ever before with a limited amount of space
What are Vernacular Regions
Regions that are based on the perceptions of a large group of people. Examples would include the Middle East, the South, and yes, even the ghetto...
What is a map
Distorts the size of continents and is less accurate than a globe
What is a politician
These people live on the shining beacon on the hill, are considered greedy and untrustworthy but also generous and likeable.
What is the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
The government agency that regulates the way in which people participate in this theme through business or other practices
Who is Christopher Columbus
The man that many people claim is responsible for kicking off a large migration of people to the western hemisphere (the Americas) but whose importance is contested by scholars today
Possible Answers: United States, Missouri, Raymore, RP School district, the Midwest, or more!
Three regions that we are currently in