$h!t only a BA would say | Powerpoint | Life Coaching | Make it Happen | Bacon and Mountain Dew |
What I read before my eyes started bleeding?
System shall...
What is a dongle?
Long, black and slender
Who is the angriest elf?
The Intern
What was Elmer’s brilliant idea?
This shitty Jeopardy game
When you eat bacon and throw the Mountain Dew away?
A delicious poor life choice.
When do I know I have lost my damn mind?
Yeah I can do this without a process
What Sean said when he first saw clip art?
I did not know you could do that
What is SWEET?
What sucks about the OLD IBM?
What does Sean look like after a 5th Mountain Dew before 10 AM?
A shade of neon green
I completed CDR.
What Sean said at his first JAD?
It is supposed to look bigger
What is going to get us kicked out of here?
What has not happened?
Kicked Out
What is the maximum amount of bacon that Sean has gotten from the cafeteria while only paying for 3 slices?
4 pounds
Sending out for approval.
What is "SLIDE"?
What is only the best shot ever?
Baby Guinness
What is priceless?
A two hour drive, $100 dollars, a picture, and a rejection.
What tastes better than Mountain Dew?
What went wrong in Sean's life?
What did sean say when the projector did not work?
I can’t get it up
Who is my life coach?
Edward "Let me tell you about the best poop I ever had and it just so happens I had a rectal exam today" Horne
Things that cannot be unseen at a hockey game?
Randy Haven in a thong.
What is Sean's sexual fantasy?
Doritos, bacon, taco bell, mountain dew , a goat, a man thong, and a nap