Problems of Ancient History | Geography | Creation stories | Egyptian History | Mesopotamian History |
What is the Nile?
I flow south to north; sustain all live in Egypt
What is the Enuma Elish?
The Babylonian creation story
Who is Ra?
The sun god
What is a civilisation?
This is Babylon
Who were priests?
A select group of people in the ancient world who could write
What is Egypt?
I am the land to the south and west of Jerusalem
What is the Egyptian creation story?
Man created from tears
What are the old, middle, and new kingdoms?
The three kingdoms
What is Hammurabi's code?
The first written account of laws written in cuneiform
What is secular and sacred?
All writings are a mix of these two opposite religious views
What is Ur?
The southernmost city Mesopotamia, belonged to Babylon
Who is Apophis?
Ra's daily enemy
Who is Manetho?
Famous Egyptian historian and priest
What are the Mesopotamian chronicles?
The Sumerian and Assyrian king lists are a part of this compilation of ancient documents
What are sources?
There were not many of these in ancient history
What is the Caspian Sea?
The sea to the north of Persia
Who is Kingu?
Tiamat's second husband
Who is Kufu?
Built the Great Pyramid at Giza
What is Eridu?
The kingship began in this city
What is the Dead Sea?
The body of water to the west of Moab
What is a flaming sword?
I protect the Garden of Eden. I have this weapon
What is a shaduf?
The main method of irrigation used by Egyptian farmers