Find Your Feelings | Initiate Problem Solving | Relax Your Mind | Scan Your Thoughts | Try the Opposite |
Name 1 skill you've learned since we started meeting together.
Say the problem.
Say the goal.
Name the S-S in S-STEPS.
Awesome :D
Name your favorite relaxation strategy!
If we think negative thoughts, we might have negative feelings. If we think positive thoughts, we can experience positive feelings.
How do our thoughts affect our feelings?
YESSSSS duh : )
Yes or No - Meeting together has been awesome!
True or False? Feelings can be comfortable AND uncomfortable.
Do it in a private space; set a time to do it every day; use our planner; other ideas?
What is one way we can keep on track with our school work?
When is a time you can practice deep breathing?
It was an accident! : )
What can you think if someone bumps into you in the hallway? [positive thought]
Yay : )
What is something you will remember from our time visiting together?
What is said in the room stays in the room unless there is concern about safety.
What does confidentiality mean?
Think of solutions.
What is the T in S-STEPS?
Way to go!!
Name 2 ways you feel nervous in your body.
They are laughing at me! >:(
What can you think if people are laughing at their table at lunch? [negative thought]
Watching a funny movie!
What would be an opposite action to watching a sad movie because you feel upset?
Awesome : )
Who are 3 trusted people you could talk to when you're having big feelings?
Evaluate solutions.
What is the E in S-STEPS?
What is a safe or comfortable place you could picture during guided imagery?
True or False? Thoughts are guesses - just because we think it, doesn't mean it's true.
Going for a walk!
What would be an opposite action to laying in bed all day because you feel depressed?
Great Job!!
Name 1 comfortable feeling and 1 uncomfortable feeling.
Pick one.
See if it works.
What is the P and S in S-STEPS?
Deep breathing, guided imagery, progressive muscle relaxation.
What 3 relaxation strategies did we practice?
Finish the triangle - Thoughts, Feelings, ________
Writing in a journal!
What would be an opposite action to yelling at your sister because you are frustrated?