Minor Skin Injuries | Worse Skin Injuries | Hot and Cold | Hurry Cases | Bandages |
What is clean with soap and water, apply triple antibiotic if not allergic and cover with sterile dressing.
This is how to treat a simple cut or scrape
What is push down on the shank to free the barb and then pull on the bend until it's free.
This is how to take out a fishhook (BSA method)
What is severe lack of energy, general weakness, headache, nausea, faintness, sweating, cool, pale, moist skin, and rapid pulse.
These are the characteristics of heat exhaustion
What is CPR. Inspect and open AIRWAY, give BREATHS, and give COMPRESSIONS (ABC).
This is how to treat stopped breathing
What is a Square Knot.
This is the knot used in most bandages
What is wear shoes or boots that fit well and that have been broken in and change your socks if they become sweaty or wet.
This is how to prevent foot blisters
What is blinking rapidly, flushing with water and pulling the top eyelid over the bottom eyelid.
These are the three steps in taking out an object in the eye (general)
What is move to a cool or shady area, remove tight clothing and fan skin, apply ice packs if available and give sips of water if conscious.
This is how to treat heat stroke
What is cover wound with cloth or pad and apply pressure, if it soaks through, apply a new pad without removing the soaked one. Apply a compression bandage, but not so tightly that it cuts circulation. Check color of fingers/toes every few minutes.
This is how to treat serious bleeding
Tie a head bandage
What is hold the injured area under cold water or apply cool, wet compresses until the pain subsides.
This is how to treat a first degree burn
What is a blister.
This is the most common attribute of a second degree burn
What is frostbite.
This is when ice crystals begin to form in the skin
What is ingested poisoning.
This is a common hurry case in young children
Tie a bandage for a broken collar bone
What is sunburn.
This is the most common first degree burn
What is do not remove stuck-on clothes and wrap a clean, dry cloth around the injury and treat the person for shock until professional medical help arrives.
This is how to treat a third degree burn
What is move to a warm room or shelter, remove wet clothes and wrap in sleeping bag or coat, give sips of warm water if concious, and apply warm water bags wrapped in cloth.
This is how to treat hypothermia
What is death.
Hurry cases often lead to this serious condition
Tie a bandage for a broken forearm
What is scraping it out with a flat-surfaced object like a credit card or a pocketknife’s screwdriver blade.
This is how to remove a bee stinger
What is deep wounds can trap bacteria that can cause infection and can cause serious bleeding.
This is why puncture wounds are worse than scrapes
What is dehydration.
This makes one more susceptible to hot and cold related injuries
What is chest pain or pressure, sweating, nausea, shortness of breath, and weakness.
These are the five signs of a heart attack
Tie a bandage for a sprained ankle
What is keep victim calm, gently wash wound, restrict movement and keep at heart level if on extremity, get medical help immediately and treat for shock if necessary. Do not apply pressure or suck out venom.
This is how to treat a venomous snakebite