Da Vinci | Vermeer | Monet | Rousseau | Cassatt |
What is the Mona Lisa?
The painting with the lady that has a mysterious smile.
What is The Girl With the Pearl Earring?
The painting where a girl is wearing a big earring.
What is Monet's art style?
Where did Rousseau live?
How many children did Cassatt have?
Who is Jesus?
In the painting The Last Supper, _______ has no feet.
Where was Vermeer born?
The Netherlands.
Where was Monet born?
Paris, France
When did Rousseau paint?
In his spare time.
What did Cassatt like to paint?
Woman and children.
What is a dragon?
As a child, Da Vinci used a toy ______.
What kind of paintings did Vermeer make? OR What kinds of paintings show domestic life?
Genre Paintings.
What is Impression?
_________: Sunrise.
What was Rousseau's painting style?
What is the flowers on the blue armchair?
When you look carefully, they are just brushstrokes.
What subjects was Da Vinci an expert at?
Math, geometry, physics, engineering, anatomy, geology, botany, geography, music, sculpture, painting.
Where did Jan Vermeer like to paint most?
His house.
What is Poppy Field Near Argenteuil?
The painting with orange-colored flowers.
What did Rousseau study?
Tropical plants and the jungles of faraway lands.
Who did Cassatt become good friends with?
Edgar Degas.
Where did Da Vinci spend the final years of his life?
Cloux, France
When was The Art of Painting made?
What is Water Lilies?
A painting that fills a room.
What was Rousseau's nickname?
The Customs Officer.
When did Cassatt die?
June 14, 1926