Word Bank | Directions and distances | Symbols & Examples |
cardinal directions
What are north, east, south, and west are all examples of?
What is an example of a cardinal direction that points down?
What does the Statue of Liberty stand for?
What helps you find out distances on a map?
What is the number of states in the United States?
the tallest building in Chicago
What is the Willis Tower?
What is a deep narrow valley with steep sides?
What state is the Everglades in?
Mount Rushmore
What is a mountain carved with the faces of four U.S. presidents?
map key
What helps you find out what symbols on a map stand for?
What is the direction from the Everglades to the Statue of Liberty?
alligator and crocodile
What are two kinds of animals that live in the Everglades?
intermediate directions
What are north east, north west, south east, and south west examples of?
What is the direction from the Statue of Liberty to Mount Rushmore?
the Liberty Bell
What is a symbol of the United States that rings?