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What is Maple Leafs?
Toronto's NHL team.
What is Cats?
Worst movie ever made.
What is gravity?
I fell down and died.
What is Drumstick?
French translation for "Pilon".
What is WW2?
War started by bad Germans.
What is the World Cup?
Soccer's most prestigious trophy.
What is Aquaman?
Most successful movie of all time.
What is boats?
Weird floaty things.
What is footy?
Sport played by both Pilon athletes.
Who is Anne Frank?
Hide and Seek World Champion.
What is Football?
Played with an egg-ball.
What is Marvel?
Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk.
What is airplanes?
Weird flying things.
What is Commercial Finance?
Kaley's Financial team.
What is potato famine?
World Irish Starvation day.
What is Baseball?
Least athletic athletes play this sport.
What is movies?
Digital stuff.
What is subs?
Weird sinky things.
What is everything?
Brandon's Financial team.
What is WW3?
What is Basketball?
Tallest athletes in the world play this sport.
What is life?
I dunno.
What is a boomerang?
The annoying thing that always comes back.
What is our hair colour?
What is 1999?
Worst year in modern history.