Understanding Oppression | The Law | The Constitution | Systems of Oppression | Submission or Resistance? |
What is oppression?
imposition of one group’s interests on another that involves coercion, exploitation, and/or unjust subjugation
What is affirmative action?
refers to a policy or set of policies designed to provide historically disadvantaged groups greater opportunities
What is three-fifths clause?
The section of the constitution that defined a black person as a fraction of a white person
What is genocide?
action aimed at destroying wholly or partially a national, racial, or religious group or society (physically, psychologically, institutionally)
What is W.E.B. Dubois?
Said that the problem of the 20th century is “the color line”
What is race?
a culturally structured, systematic way of looking at, perceiving, and interpreting various world realities – a cosmological ordering system that divides the world’s people’s into what are thought to be biologically discrete and exclusive groups
What is Jim Crow/segregation?
A system of laws that discriminated against African Americans
What is the one-drop rule?
Assumption that you were black if you had even a small amount of “black blood”
What is white privilege?
_________ is a set of privileges bestowed upon people of European descent based on skin tone
What is assimilation?
Immigrant group adaptation to a host society or culture
What is de facto racism?
Racism that is upheld by custom and culture, rather than law
What is Brown v. Board of Education?
the 1954 court case which desegregated public places
What is 14th Amendment?
This amendment ensured equal protection for all
What is racism, classism, sexism?
Three major forms of oppression ending in "ism" (hint: r____, c____, s_____)
What is the model minority?
________ refers to a minority group that most successfully assimilates to dominant white culture
What is Ethnocentrism?
The practice of centering or focusing discussion on one's own group/culture; belief in the superiority of one’s own group/culture over all others
What is de jure racism?
Racism that is upheld by law, rather than custom and culture
What is 13th Amendment?
This amendment banned slavery, except in as a punishment for a crime
What is blackness?
is a set of disadvantages and discrimination bestowed upon people of African descent based on skin tone
The first civil rights movement driven by Charles Sumner and Ben Butler occurred in
What is white racial frame?
stereotypes, images, narratives, emotions, discriminatory inclinations that together make up a worldview rationalizing racial oppression
What is 1883?
The Supreme Court nullified the first civil rights doctrine in
What is 15th Amendment?
This amendment guaranteed voting rights for black men
What is capitalism?
An economic system based on the idea of a free market that places the bourgeoisie (rich) at the top of the hierarchy and the proletariat (poor) at the bottom
What is the American Dream?
The strategic marketing plan that has lured millions of immigrants to the United States with hope of economic opportunity