Key Documents | Government Interactions | Political Parties | First Government | Political Socialization |
What is Constitution?
A document that has 27 amendments and sets the guidelines for our country.
What are Mandates?
Something that is required at a state or federal level.
What are Platforms?
A topic the political party has a goal set about/around.
What are the Articles of Confederation?
A document that establishes the functions of the US without Britain.
What is Closed Primary?
To enter and vote you must be registered for a certain party.
What is the Bill of Rights?
The first 10 amendments of a document that make up our rights.
What are Grants?
Funds are given by the government to build public service projects and the economy.
What are Political Parties?
An organization that elects candidates to run
What is Shay's Rebellion?
An event that revealed the weakness of the government under the AoC.
What is Open Primary?
To enter and vote you do not have to be registered for a specific party
What is the Declaration of Independence?
States the natural rights of citizens.
What is the Full Faith and Credit Clause?
A clause that states the citizens must respect other states' acts, records, and judicial proceedings.
What are the Problems between Political Parties?
They do not always have the same ideology and do not agree fully on the same things.
What is the impact of the Consitution?
A new creation of a new branch of government.
What is Straight Ticket Voting?
When someone has a voting ballot they only pick candidates that are in the same party as them.
What is Brutus 1?
A document that argued that the federal government had too much power.
What is Extradition?
A clause that states other states must surrender alleged criminals to the state where they had been allegedly committed.
What are the Republicans and Democrats?
The two main political parties.
What are Federalists?
People were in favor of the creation of the constitution and wanted a strong centralized gov.
What is the Electoral College?
538 Presidential voters come together to give their vote to a specific candidate.
What is Fed 10?
A document that argued the US would not do well individually and we need a strong centralized government.
What are Treaties
Alliances with other countries.
What is a 3rd party
Have ideology that doesn't fit with either of the two main sides. There are very many of these.
What are Anti-Federalists?
People who opposed the creation of the Constitution and favored small localized gov.
What is Popular Sovereignty?
The government is based on the citizen's vote and the citizen's opinions.