Polytheistic Religions | China | Monotheistic Religions | The Korean Peninsula | South Africa/India |
What is karma
The belief that states that for every act, a reward or punishment will be handed out to that person.
The one-child policy
This has caused the death of millions of baby girls and too many men
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
Three major monotheistic religions
Free Market
South Korea's Economic System
Mahatma Gandhi
The famous leader in India who removed Great Britain from India
Buddhism and Hinduism
The two religions that believe in Karma
Mao Zedong
The leader responsible for China's current communist system
The cross represents this religious group
North Korea's Economic System
non-violence/civil disobedience
Gandhi is most known for using this to stop Great Britain influence
The act of being reborn as another individual
Great Leap Forward
Mao's name for trying to change China through industrialization and collectivization
Muslims call God by this name
Human Rights
Citizens don't have these in North Korea
Laws in South Africa that treated blacks differently from whites
The lowest rung in the Hindu Caste System
Caused the death of 45 million people
The reason why Mao is labeled as the "deadliest leader of all time."
This region is important for all three major monotheistic religions
US supported SK during a war
The reason why South Korea and US are allies
The religion to which Mahatma Gandhi believed
Priests/Religious Leaders
The Highest Rung in the Hindu Caste System
The act of converting bringing all farms together under the control of the government
5 pillars of Islam
A series of acts done by Muslims as a show of belief
Human Rights
Right to Vote, right to free speech, right to practice your own religion, right to live
Nelson Mandela
The leader in South Africa that fought against apartheid