Neck and Spine Muscles | Abdominal and Trunk Muscles | Proprioception and Balance | Muscle Actions and Levers | Movement Analysis |
Capitis and lumborum
This term refers to the head while this term refers to the lumbar spine.
Transversus abdominis
This deep abdominal muscle works to compress the viscera.
Intrafusal fibers, parallel to the extrafusal fibers
This is where the muscle spindles are located.
Agonists and antagonists
Prime movers can be thought of as......., while neutralizers can be thought of as........
When you are working with gravity, the muscle action is ......
This muscle attaches to the sternum, the clavicle and the mastoid process.
External Obliques
This muscle originates on the external surface of the lower 8 ribs and works to flex, laterally flex, and rotate the vertebral column (to the opposite side)
Change in muscle length and rate of change of muscle length.
While the Golgi tendon organ respond to changes in muscle tension and rate of changes in muscle tension, the muscle spindles respond to ....
Eccentric muscle action
Muscle tension torque < Resistance torque
Down phase
The down phase of a push up is similar to the _______ phase of squat, the muscle actions are eccentric.
The longus capitus and the rectus capitus anterior both attach in this general "region"
True or false: The serratus posterior superior and the serratus posterior inferior both work to increase the thoracic cavity.
Dynamic flexibility
This is the ability to move a joint quickly and fluidly through its range of motion.
Static or Isometric
Muscle tension torque = Resistance Torque
During a seated row, as you pull (back away from the machine) and extend your legs, is the primary muscle action concentric or eccentric?
Spinalis, longissimus, and iliocostalis
From medial to lateral the erector spinae group goes....
Subcostales and transversus thoracis.
These are the two muscles listed in class which work to decrease the thoracic cavity.
This is resistance to disruption in equilibrium.
F X perpendicular distance
Torque is defined as....
Too many to list : (
During a soccer kick, you have hip flexion and knee extension. Name three muscles that do hip flexion and three muscles that do knee extension.
Longus colli group, interspinalis, intertransversarii, multifidus, rotatores, semispinalis cervicis, semispinalis thoracis
Name at least 3 of the deep spine muscles talked about in class.
Linea alba.
This structure is formed by overlapping fascia of the abdominal muscles.
Mass, friction, base of support, horizontal location of center of gravity relative to base of support, height of center of gravity
These are the 5 factors that affect stability.
2, 1, 3
In a ______ lever the resistance is in the middle, in a ________ lever the fulcrum is in the middle, and in a ________ lever the effort or force is in the middle.
Come up with your own exercise as a group. Accurately identify the main movements occurring at each joint involved and list two muscles that would contribute to each movement. Also note if the muscle actions are concentric or eccentric.