Language Arts | Math | Healthy | Science | Social Studies |
Talus, Boulder, and Scree
Who are the characters in the story of LooWhk to the North?
9 x 8
Smoking, Drinking Alcohol, Eating Healthy, and Exercising
Name some health behavior we learned in class?
Parts of a dead organism are covered with sediments, which hardens, trapping the remains as a fossil
How are fossils formed?
What do you call people who use resources to make goods and services, also called workers
Aunt Linzy
Thomas's grandfather did not get along with who?
12 x 12
An outside influence
What is an external factor?
Natural gas, oil, coal
What are the three types of fossil fuels
What is a financial institution that handles money, including keeping it for saving or commercial purposes, and exchanging, investing, and supplying it for loans?
New York City
Tucker Mouse lived in a Subway Station in what state?
Change the decimal to a fraction....
.08 |
Lung Cancer, Bronchitis
Name one long-term effect of smoking
Wind, solar, geothermal, & water
What are some ways we can conserve our energy? (Renewable resources)
Federal Government
Our money is insured by what type of government?
Vietnam; USA
Where was TJ from and where did he move?
4/10 + 5/10
blurred vision, slurred speaking
Name on short-term effect of drinking alcohol
Evaporation, Condensation, Precipitation, Collection
What are the 4 stages of water cycle? (in order)
Law of Demand
As the price of a good decreases, people buy more. what type of law is this?
It is a story that focuses on questions such as these: Who did it? Where is it? Or What happened?
What is a mystery?
8/10 + 10/100
Less sodium, eat proportionate, drink water
Name one fact of eating healthy
Shore zone
What is the place where land and water meets?
The islands of the Marianas began as underwater what?