The Incredibles (1) | Writing Reviews | Bubble Mapping | The Incredibles (2) | Incredibles (3) |
What is The Parr Family?
What is the main family's last name?
What is academic papers that understands the movie?
What are movie reviews?
What is Organization?
What is a bubble map used for?
What is super speed?
What is Dash's special ability?
What is Metroville?
What is the name of the city where The Incredibles takes place?
What is Lawsuits?
What happened that made the government force superheroes into hiding?
What is watch the movie, research the film, outline the pros and cons?
What should you do before writing a movie review?
What is main idea or topic?
What should go in the middle bubble of a bubble map?
What is invisibility and force field?
What is Violet's special ability?
What is Jack-Jack?
What is the name of the baby the Parr family has?
What is Track & Field?
What sport caused Dash trouble with his super speed?
What is how the movie was made and who was involved?
What should you know about the movies context?
What is supporting details or subtopics?
What goes in the bubbles outside of the center one?
What is Helen Parr?
What is Elastic Girl's real name?
What is the Superhero Relocation Program?
What is the name of the program that relocates superheroes?
What is Insuricare?
What is the name of the insurance company Bob Parr works for?
What is a thesis?
What should be in an introduction?
What is the connection of ideas?
What do the lines in a bubble map represent?
What is by forcing it to destroy itself?
How did Mr Incredible defeat the machine?
What is Marage?
Who is the lady who Mr Incredible gets special assignments from?
What is Kronos?
What is the password that Bob uses to gain entry to Syndrome's secret base on Nomanisan Island?
What is plot, characterization, and themes?
What should be in the body of a film review?
What is visualizing or analyzing topics?
Besides brainstorming and organizing thoughts what other purposes can a bubble map serve?
What is blue?
What color is Mr. Incredibles FIRST super suit?
What is light blue?
What is the color of Bob Parrs's car?