What is "Full Frame" ?
A sensor similar in size to a 35mm strip of film is referred to as this. The Canon 5D is an example of a camera that uses this size sensor.
What is a "prime lens" ?
This type of lens has a fixed focal length
What is "Depth of field"?
The distance between the points at which subjects come into and fall out of focus is referred to with this photographic term.
What is the "iris"?
The opening and closing of this controls exposure
What is an "establishing shot" ?
A shot that sets the scene, or location. (sometimes shot by a B unit)
What is an APS-C sized sensor ?
A specific size of C-MOS sensor, it is 1.6x smaller than a "full frame" sensor. The Canon 7D makes use of this
What is "focal length" ?
This is determined by the distance between the optical center of the lens and the focal plane.
What is "Shallow"?
This term refers to a DoF that is minimal, in which a subject is separated from the background and/or foreground. (Hint: Also describes a kiddie pool or The Kardashians.)
What is "less light"?
Higher f/Stop numbers (ie 22) mean this amount of light.
What is a "master shot" ?
A shot that covers the entire scene, usually the first to be filmed for "safety" reasons.
What is h.264 ?
The Canon 7D records files compressed with this codec.
What is "Long" or "telephoto"?
To achieve a "zoomed-in" look, one would use this type of focal length.
What is "more open aperture," "wider f/stop," "bigger f/stop" (ie smaller f/stop number)
Shallow DoF is obtained by combining close proximity from camera to subject, _________, and a longer focal length.
What is "ISO" ?
ASA, aka Ei, aka this measurement index determined by the International Standards Organization is expressed in a numerical scale that describes lower to higher sensitivity of the sensor.
What is are "camera setups."
When preparing a shoot, it is important to break down your shots by "these," which allows you to get as many shots from a single position before moving the camera.
What is a CF (compact flash) card?
The Canon 7D records on these types of cards.
What is "50mm" ?
In traditional (ie 35mm) photography, wide angle refers to focal lengths below this mark.
What is "compression"?
Lenses with longer focal lengths do this to the background, making distances appear smaller.
What is "digital noise" ?
Higher sensitivity settings mean the ability to shoot in lower light. Unlike grain in film, In video it produces ______, which could be viewed as a negative.
What is the "Axis" ?
The 180 degree rule states that the camera must remain on one side of "this" in order to preserve spacial relation between two characters.
What is "12 minutes or 4GB"?
Due to the FAT 32 formatting of the CF cards used on the Canon 7D, recording of single clips is limited to this length/file size.
What is "angle of view" ?
The distance between the optical center of the lens and the focal plane affects to what extent entering light rays are distorted. This distortion determines how much we can see in frame (known technically as this term).
What is "ultra wide" or "fisheye"
This focal length exaggerates distances so much, that it actually distorts the appearance of the subject. (used a lot in music videos, or extreme sports videos to make tricks look even more daring)
What is "160" ?
On the 7D, it is best to set your ISO to increments of this number.
What is the "20/30 rule" ? (20mm, 30 degrees)
This rule establishes that two subsequent shots need to have a varied enough focal length and camera angle in order to prevent pop-ins or unwanted jump cuts.