What's the Matter?? | I'm Feeling Hungry... | So We Breathe.. WE BREATHE! | Circulation Station | FOURTH GRADE FLASHBACK |
Solids, liquids and gases
What are the 3 states of matter?
In the mouth
Where does digestion begin?
The respiratory system
What system in the human body is responsible for the exchange of carbon dioxide for oxygen?
Oxygen and nutrients
What two things does the circulatory system transport?
An ecosystem
This is where living and nonliving things interact
This state of matter is usually invisible
They are part of chemical digestion in the mouth. They help break down your food!
What do your salivary glands do?
In the respiratory system, what is a fancy word for "wind pipe?"
Because it carries blood away from the heart! Blood coming out of the heart is under a lot of pressure from the PUSH of the heart's beat.
Why is an artery thicker than a vein?
Biotic = living
Abiotic = nonliving
Define "biotic" and "abiotic"
These molecules are packed tightly together and can hardly move
The stomach
After traveling down the esophagus, food stops here and is mixed with strong acids.
The lungs
What is the biggest organ in the respiratory system?
The left ventricle
What is the largest "room" in the heart called?
A living thing that eats both plants and animals
Molecules move around VERY quickly in this type of matter
It removes all of the nutrients from your food
What is the role of the small intestine?
Tiny sacs within the lungs that exchange carbon dioxide for oxygen
What are alveoli?
What connects arteries to veins?
A living thing that eats only meat
Color, shape, size, texture and mass
What are the five properties of matter? (Hint: remember i-Spy)
It removes the water from your food
What is the role of the large intestine?
We breathe in oxygen through our mouths. The oxygen goes down our trachea, through our bronchi tubes and into the lungs. In the lungs, the air goes into the alveoli, where the oxygen is converted into carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide then goes out th
State the sequence of events in the respiratory system, beginning with "we breathe..."
Respiratory and digestive
What other two systems does the circulatory system work with?
Producers (plants)
What gets energy from the sun?