Literature | Riddles | Talie Thinks Grammar is Fun | Before and After (with a tiny current events twist) | Start Rhyming! |
Looking for Alaska, The Fault in Our Stars, An Abundance of Katherines, Paper Towns, Will Grayson
Name all five of John Green's books
A pillow.
What loses its head in the morning and gets it back at night?
Talie thinks grammar is super cool but _______ really not.
(its, it's) |
FIFA World Cup Song
Happening in Brazil/ clap clap tap-tap-tap clap thunk thunk...
A bright (or light) flight
A well-lit airplane trip
Mortal Instruments
Name the series: Ashes, Glass, Angels, Souls, Fire
The electric chair. The power is out.
You get trapped in a psycho's mansion during a power outage. You try to get out by going through a series of rooms: the first one is blue, the second one is also blue, but the third one is golden. After you go through all of these rooms you find the psych
No one knows as many grammar rules as ____!
(me, I) |
Tenacious D-Day
Jack Black (and his bro) on June 6
A spent cent
A coin not saved
Mia from If I Stay
What YA character is Chloe Moretz playing in an upcoming movie?
Clear. It's not a green house; it's a greenhouse.
If a white house is white and a yellow house is yellow, what color is a greenhouse?
_______ idea was this grammar category anyway?
(whose, who's) |
Lebron James and the Giant Peach
Too much Heat and a whole lot of fruit. It's the pits!
Roth's goths
If Divergent's author wrote about vampires, they'd be...
What's Eliezer's father's name in Night?
When the day after tomorrow is yesterday, today will be as far from Wednesday as today was from Wednesday when the day before yesterday was tomorrow. What is tomorrow?
For, and, not, but, or, yet, so
Name the FANBOYS
Tracy Morgan Freeman
Car accident comic/ Penguin march narrator
Lorde's chords
"Royals" singer's elements
Rory, Vick, and Posy
Name Gale Hawthorne's siblings
Take the lamb across, then the bundle of grass. Take the lamb back across and then take the lion across. Then take the lamb back across and they are all unharmed.
A person wants to cross a river with one lion, one lamb and a bundle of grass.He can take up to 2 things at once. Also, he has to make sure that the lion doesn't eat the lamb and the lamb doesn't eat the grass. How?
Most sentences don't need semicolons; they just need commas, dashes or periods.
What's the missing punctuation?
Most sentences don't need semicolons they just need commas, dashes or periods. |
San Andreas Fault in Our Stars
California earthquake starter/ Last week's blockbuster
Ranger danger
Look out, Kings! Here comes (trouble) or...