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Future Farmers of America
What do the letters of FFA stand for?
The cross section of the ear of corn, the rising sun, the plow, the eagle, the owl, and the words Agricultural Education and FFA.
What are the parts of the FFA emblem?
How many taps of the gavel for everyone to stand?
The president is signified by the rising sun. The Vice president is signified by the plow.
What symbol signifies the president? Which one signifies the Vice president?
Jen Eberly
Who was the first National FFA president?
Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve.
What is the FFA motto?
How many taps of the gavel for everyone to sit/adjourn a meeting?
The door
What symbol is used for the sentinel?
New Farmers of America
What do the letters of NFA stand for?
E.M. Tiffany
Who wrote the FFA creed?
The flag
What symbol is used for the reporter?
What year did delegates vote to change the official name from Future Farmers of America to the National FFA Organization?
The Pledge of Allegiance.
What is the FFA salute?
The emblem of Washington.
What symbol is used for the treasurer?
The early 1920s
When did Virginia form the Future Famers club for boys in agricultural classes?
National blue and corn gold
What are the official FFA colors?
The owl
What is the symbol used for the advisor?