In Early History | Movies | Mind Frames | Weapons and Victims | Famous Cases |
Who is Elizabeth Bathony or the Bloody Countess
Killed 650 girls and was even thought to have bathed in their blood making her skin youthful
What is Natural Born Killers
Thats the worst fuckin head I ever got in my life. Next time don't be so fuckin eager.
What makes a female serial killer tick?
Being Raped or having any other kind of abuse done to them as a child
What is poison
Clear liquid or powder substance put in food and only found in a blood or toxic screen
Who is Aileen Wuornos
Prostitute turned killer
Who is Enriquita Marti
A witch doctor that used the remains from her young victims to make her potions which she sold to the rich
What is Basic Instinct
I'm in love with you already, but I'll nail you anyway.
What is motives for killing?
Anger, financial gain, psychosis, need for power
What is being smothered?
Pillows can be used to knock the breathe out of you this is also called
Who is Myra Hindley
The most evil woman in Britain
Who is Agrippira great granddaughter of Mark Anthony
The Empress of Poison
What is Monster
I'm not a bad person. I'm a real good person.
What are Visionary Serial Killers
Delusions, or hallucinations, demons made me do it
What are children
Tricycles, swings, candy
Who is Rosemary West
This woman killed 10 women with her husband
Who is Velma Barfield
This female serial killer was the first to die by lethal injection
What is Devils Rejects
I'm the devil and I'm here to do the devils work
What are traits to look for?
Abandoned by father and dominant mothers
What is being stabbed
A puncture to the heart or other organ with a knife is also called
Who is Kristen Gilbert?
Angel of Death killed her patients by lethal injection with epinephrine
Who is Salome
I had John the Baptists head cut off and became a murderer in the bible
What is the last house on the left
You know what Mari? I think Justin here could be kind of cute if he lost his whole like creepy, hooded Unabomber kind of vibe he's got going on. Don't you think?
What are the victims most female serial killers target
Children and people close
What are girls?
Pretty in Pink
Who is Nannie Doss
Black widow killed her mother, 5 husbands, one mother in law, her sisters and two of her children she couldn't be sentenced to death so she died in prison