Female Reproductive System | Male Reproductive System | Periods and Random | Birth Control | Wild Cards |
This is the organ where a baby grows and develops during pregnancy.
Testes/ Testicles
These two organs produce sperm and testosterone.
Fertility Awareness Method, Breastfeeding
What are the natural forms of birth control?
This is the only birth control method that is 100% effective in preventing pregnancy and STDs.
Oral, Manual, Vaginal, and Anal Sex
STIs can be spread by... (4 types of sex)
These two organs produce eggs (ova) and hormones like estrogen and progesterone.
Vas Deferens
This long tube carries sperm from the epididymis to the urethra during ejaculation.
This term refers to the time before the menstrual period when symptoms like mood swings, bloating, and headaches may occur.
Oral Contraceptive Pill
This type of birth control pill contains hormones to prevent ovulation and must be taken daily.
False- you can be reinfected.
True or False: If you have gotten an STI and its been treated, you can't get it again.
Fallopian Tubes
This tube connects the ovaries to the uterus and is where fertilization typically occurs.
Ovary/ Ovaries
Ova are released from the __________ and then travel to the fallopian tubes.
28 Days
This is the average length of a menstrual cycle, although it can vary.
This form of birth control is worn by males and acts as a barrier to prevent sperm from reaching the egg.
Tubal Ligation and Vasectomy
What are 2 permanent forms of birth control?
This part of the female reproductive system is the opening to the uterus and is located at the top of the vagina.
Prostate and Cowper's Gland
These glands help produce a fluid that helps nourish and protect sperm. (2)
This phase of the menstrual cycle is when an egg is released from the ovary.
This small device is placed in the uterus to prevent pregnancy and can last for up to 10 years, and acts as a Plan B option.
.gov, .edu, etc. Peer- Reviewed
What are TWO ways you can make sure information is valid and reliable?
This is the lining of the uterus that thickens each month and is shed during menstruation if fertilization doesn’t occur.
This is the sac that holds the testes and helps regulate their temperature.
Diaphragm, Condoms (Internal and External), Cervical Cap, Sponge,
What are 3 types of Barrier forms of birth control?
Plan B/ Morning- After Pill
This emergency contraceptive can be taken up to 72 hours after unprotected sex to reduce the risk of pregnancy.
What material prevents the spread of STIs?