What is FCCLA? | FCCLA Basics | More Basics | FCCLA Who and Where | FCCLA Programs |
What is family?
The F in FCCLA
What is red?
Color that represents strength
What is the flower of FCCLA?
Red rose
Who is Mrs. Pendley?
She serves as chapter adviser
What is FCCLA week?
This falls in February
What is career?
The first C in FCCLA
What is sincerity?
White represents this
What are the dues for FCCLA?
Where are state headquarters located?
What is program of work?
A calendar of chapter activities
What is community?
The second C in FCCLA
What is black?
Added as an "accent" color
What is a classroom member?
Does classroom activities only-does not pay dues
What is Region 3?
The region Ohio County is located in
What is STOP?
Deals with violence prevention
What is Family and Consumer Sciences?
These students can join FCCLA
What does the flower represent?
The search for beauty in everyday living
What is an affiliated member?
Pays dues-can go on field trips, attend club day meetings, and serve as an officer
Who is Reeca Carver?
She serves as state adviser
What are STAR Events?
Competitive events of FCCLA
What is the family?
FCCLA's main focus
What is the motto?
Toward New Horizons
What is Teen Times?
The magazine for members
Where are national headquarters?
Reston, VA
What is FACTS?
Deals with traffic safety