The D.L. On JC Who Dat In the New Testament!?! Random......What, What! The Gospels... Jesus Fast Facts!!!
What is the age Jesus Christ died?
Who is Noah?
In the 1st book of the New Testament, I make my appearance. My hobbies are constructing water vehicles while my friends watch and insist I am crazy.
I also have a pet hoarding problem but I only kept a couple of each.
What is a big fish, whale
Jonah camped out in my belly, chillaxed on my spleen...freaked me out so I spat him onto the nearest beach.
What are Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
First 4 accounts of Jesus' story. From birth, ministry, execution, coming back from death to the ascension into Heaven
What is last?
If you want to be first, you must first be (____) ....Jesus
Where was Jesus born?
Bethlehem, First mentioned in Matthew Ch. 2
Who are Justin, JC, Chris, Joey, Lance.
Name all the members of NSYNC
Extra bonus 100 pts if you sing 30 seconds of your favorite NSYNC song!
Who is Judas?
I turned Jesus in to the authorities for some cash. Though most Christians despise my name, it was my place in history and it had to be done to show the big picture. I hung myself in shame shortly after.
Who are Simon also called Peter, also called Simon Peter
And Andrew, his brother
The first 2 fishers of men...disciples...100 extra pts for their job before following Christ
What is the curtain?
This was torn in temple right after Jesus' last breath
Who is John the Baptist, Jesus' cousin
I first baptized our Lord Jesus Christ in the Jordan river. Though it was I who needed baptized by Him, after I did so Heaven was opened and the Spirit of God spoke saying "This is my Son whom I love; with Him I am well pleased". Ps We're related....bonus
Who is Cain?
I brought murder into the world. God sentenced me to be a restless wanderer of the Earth and put a mark on me so that noone would kill me to put me out of my misery.
What is Moonwalk?
Dance move Michael Jackson pioneered. Premiered on tv during song Billie Jean
What are fish and bread?
Food that Jesus multiplied for 1000's of people
Number of days Jesus was tempted in the desert
What is the Last Supper?
My final meal as far as history is concerned. I told my followers to eat the broken bread as my flesh and drink the wine as if it were my blood. As a reminder as to my sacrifice, the brokeness of my beaten body and the shedding of my pure blood for the si
Who is Moses and 10 commandments?
After I led the Exodus or the Escape out of Egypt, God gave me these on Mt Sinai....Could be grapes, could be baloons...Whatever it was there were 10 of them. Extra 25 pts for what they were and my name.
Who is George Bush 1st.....correct answer recieves extra 10% based on opposing team's score
President when Chris was born
Mary Magdalene
I funded along with other people, Jesus' ministry.
Who is Joseph of Arimathea
I asked for Jesus' body to prepare it for burial and placed it in the tomb before the resurection
What are parables?
I, Jesus, used this unique way of teaching to help the uneducated and educated alike understand how God works, God's love and His will works. These illustrations were simple concepts explaining complicated spiritual ideas. Jesus used examples of the day t
Who is David?
Though my name is not in the title of any of the Bible I wrote the majority of one "Note-able" book. I got my first real job as a musician for kings....before I became one myself
The number or fraction of angels that were sent to Hell with Satan after his rebellion
What is beheaded?
How was John the Baptist killed?
Who is Peter?
In Matthew I stepped out onto the water with Jesus but started to sink due to lack of continued faith.

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