Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6/7 | Chapter 9 |
What age group is the most profitable to advertise towards?
To make money.
Why do fast food companies exploit their fast food workers?
John Richard Simplot
America's potato baron; built an empire based on french fries; grew up worker on father's farm; dropped out of school at 15 and left home
The Jungle
What is the name of the book that drew attention to the meatpacking Industry in 1906?
White Castle
What was the first national hamburger chain?
Salesperson, Jazz musician
What was one of Kroc's professions before his success with McDonalds?
What are the regulated amount of hours a high school student can work on a school day?
Potato Growers of Idaho
What does PGI stand for?
What do beef in slaughterhouses primarily eat?
More than _____ of the American population suffers a bout of food poisoning each year
Speedee the Chef
Who was McDonald's first mascot?
Colorado Springs
What city is Schlosser in during this chapter?
What percentage of farmers were predicted to lose their jobs from new farming technology?
Who are the nations largest purchasers of beef?
Eating tainted meat, drinking contaminated water, eating undercooked meat.
What is one ways people can be infected with E. coli 0157:H7?
Burger King
What was the first fast food company to advertise in schools?
Finding ways to train employees faster
What do fast food companies spend the most government financing on?
Flavor, aroma, color
What three things impact the perception of food?
Greenly, Colorado
What city is Chapter 7 based on?
What is the most common food-borne illness
in the U.S.? |
What state was the original McDonald's located in?
1:6 (1 to 6)
What is the ratio of fast food employees who don't speak English?
Beef tallow
What did McDonalds fries used to be made in?
2 times (2x)
McNuggets contain ___ as much fat per ounce as a hamburger?
Hudson Foods
Primary supplier of hamburgers to Burger King, where the E Coli outbreak originated