Health and Nutrition Early Care and Education Food & Agriculture Miscellaneous Surprises
What is the Title V MCH Block Grant?
Funding stream with a $3 state match required for every $4 received
What are building blocks?
The icon associated with Early Care and Education Funding in the document
What is 10 Cents a Meal for Michigan's Kids & Farms?
This program in Michigan matches CACFP reimbursements that are used to purchase and serve Michigan-grown fruits, vegetables, and legumes
What is page 19?
The page number for learning about the sugar sweetened beverage tax
What is the State Physical Activity and Nutrition (SPAN) Program?
Connecticut uses this federal funding program – whose next RFA should be released in April 2023 - to pilot 20 farm-to-ECE sites in 2019
What are the Child Care Development Fund (CCDF) and Head Start/Early Head Start
Two major federal funding programs for Early Care & Education
What is USDA Farm to School Grants?
This program is funded at $12 million for Fiscal Year 2022 and is administered by the Office of Community Food Systems
What is 5?
Number of photos in the funding guide that include carrots
What is Supplemental Nutrition Education Program SNAP-Ed or CACFP?
A federal funding stream that can be used to subsidize gardening materials including soil, shovels, seeds, fertilizer, and signage
What is “Supporting Head Start Programs with Farm to ECE models: Growing Head Start Success with Farm to Early Care & Education”?
The title of the resource that you can read to learn how farm to ECE is aligned with Head Start
What is the Specialty Crop Block Grant Program?
This funding stream goes to states as one big chunk of money. It is then available by applying to your state agency. It aims to support growers of products such as fruits, vegetables, cut flowers, and tree nuts.
What is: Enhancing Young Children’s Access to Local Foods and Farm to ECE?
The full title of the document

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