Lord of the Rings | Star Wars | Wheel of Time | Avatar: The Last Airbender | Cosmere |
Who forged the One Ring of Power?
Sauron/ Mairon
What planet does Luke appear on in the first movie?
Where are Rand, Perrin, Mat, Egwene and Nyneave from?
Emonds Field
Who can bend all four elements?
The Avatar
What are people who can use all the metals called?
What elven city do the river elves live in?
C-3P0 is fluent is how many languages?
Over 60 million
What is the festival performed after Winternight in Emonds Field?
Bel Tine
In what city did Azula “kill” Aang?
Ba Sing Se
What knight radiant order is Kaladin a part of?
What race is treebeard?
An Ent
Who built C-3P0?
Anakin Skywalker
What is the name of the ter’angreal sword that Rand wields?
What is it called when two firebenders participate in a duel?
An Agni-Kai
How many original shards were there?
What is the name of Isildur’s sword?
Andúril, or the Flame of the West
What is the name of Yoda’s home?
What is the name for the Last Battle in the Old Tongue?
Tarmon Gai’don
Who was the first Avatar?
What is Wits believed to be real name? Hint: Taravangian called him by it at the end of Rhythm of War
What race is a Balrog? Hint: it’s the same as Gandalf’s
Maiar as of now, but they were originally Ainur
What species stole the plans to the Death Star?
The Bothans
Who created Shadowspawn?
What is the name of the spirit of the Avatar?
What is the name of the entity that the shards killed causing the shattering?