Famous People who paved the way for CHT | Digestive Anatomy | Structures of the large intestine | Gut Action | Lets get down to business |
Who is Hippocrates?
The Greek physician known as the father of medicine.
What is the Rectum?
This seven to eight-inch tube that holds waste until the nerves signal the brain to eliminate.
What is Splenic Flexure?
The structure in which the transverse colon makes a turn under the stomach and spleen on the left side of the body.
What is Four?
The number of layers of tissues in the GI tract.
What is Objective?
This section of a treatment note contains observations by the therapist
Who is PriesSentz?
The peasant farmer from Austria is considered the founder of modern hydrotherapy.
What is liver?
This Organ is located in upper right quadrant of the abdominal area and it produces about one liter of bile a day.
What is the anus?
The final opening at the end of the alimentary canal where wasted exits the body through the anal canal.
What is Deglutition?
Another name for the action of swallowing ,
What is an Assessment?
This section of the treatment note provides an appraisal of the client's progress.
Who is Kellogg?
This person opened the Battle Creek Sanitarium in Michigan and used enemas along with diet and exercise Regimes
What is gall bladder?
This organ is A small pear shaped sac tucked under the liver that holds bile and when triggered, releases bile to assist in digesting foods.
What is the ascending colon?
This first part of the colon that rises from the cecum up toward the liver located on the right side of the body.
What is insulin?
This substance helps to regulate blood sugar in the pancreas.
What are Toxins?
This word must be avoided that has come to refer to many things, such as air pollution, pesticides , herbicides, chemicals and dyes.
Who is Kerr?
This Author Wrote a book entitled Colonic Irrigation in 1933.
What is large intestine?
This organs main function is the absorption of water and electrolytes.
What is transverse colon?
Part of the colon that continues from the hepatic flexure and across the abdomen meeting the splenic flexure where water is being absorbed and waste is being more concentrated.
What is vagus nerve?
This very important cranial nerve that is primarily responsible for defecation.
What is a medical release?
This form is used to clear the client of any contraindications prior to any CHT session?
Who is Henry Cotton?
This author Published articles in the Journal of the American Medical Association discussing the validity of colon cleansing.
What is pancreas?
This organ shaped like a feather secretes insulin and protease through endocrine functions emptied into the bloodstream.
What is descending colon?
The part of the colon that absorbs the most water and is being absorbed as the waste becomes more solid and is located down the left side of the body.
What is the small intestine?
This organ is 20-25 feet long and houses a group of tiny lymph glands called Peyers patches.
What is health intake?
This form gets filled out by the client and gives the therapist the clients symptoms and conditions?