Caleb and Sophia | The Israelites | Real Characters | Fruitage of the Spirit | Bible Lessons |
What is forgive him
Sophia had to do this when Caleb broke her toy
Who is Moses
This child was placed in a basket in the river and rescued by an Egyptian princess
Who is Jezebel
A wicked queen
What is love
God is
Who is Jehovah
The most powerful being in the universe
What is a lollipop
Caleb wanted one of these from the store
Who is Jonah
This prophet spent 3 days and 3 nights in the belly of a big fish
Who is Jesus
The greatest teacher that ever lived
What is joy
When you are filled with happiness
What is paradise
A beautiful garden that will cover the whole earth
What is bold
Sophia prayed to be this when she wanted to talk to her friend about Jehovah
Who is Noah
This obedient man listened to Jehovah and built a huge boat to save his family from the flood
Who is Lot
This man's wife was turned to a pillar of salt when she disobeyed Jehovah
What is peace
Free from war
What is giving
_______ is better than receiving
What is Bethel
Caleb and Sophia went to this place and sang a song about it
Who is Solomon
This wise King pretended he was going to cut a baby in half to find out who the real mother was
Who is Satan
Took the form of a snake to deceive Eve.
What is patience
This used to be long suffering
What is "Thank you"
When someone does something kind you say _______
What is a flower
Caleb gave Sophia this when she was doing her homework
Who is David
This boy defeated a giant with just a sling and 5 smooth stones
Who is Daniel
This man was thrown into the lion's den but was protected
What is self control
Power over yourself
What is prayer
The best way to speak to Jehovah