Miscellaneous expenses and more Case documentation Fs-2 Income and resources and more
What is EA- eligibility advisor
This should be viewed for all members age 15 and older
What is case is expedited and and 2nd interview required for ongoing benefits before the end of the month
Benefits issued the next day means
What is ECE- expanded categorically eligible
Collateral contact can be used for everyone’s residency in this type of household And should be commented on.
What is client statement accepted and comment
Household reports change in rent, what do you do
What is prior two months
How many months are used for wages
What is 4 months for abawd. 12 for those that do not meet 4 or 24. 24 months for elderly/disabled
Recertifications are required how often
What is relationship to household and if they p&p separate.
This must be commented on for people not included in edg.
What is medical expenses and child support expense.
These should be document on what months used and how you got your amount. 2 part answer.
What is no unless the change is more than 25$
Client reports they are paying medical expenses. Should you pend?
What is 2 months unless they get them every three months and then request more and document why
This many months are used for medical expense
What is child care expenses and medical expenses. If mo one in home is eligible we should only comment no one eligible is teased of none or no
This is included in notes when no one in home is eligible (2parts)
What is flood, earthquake, state and local taxes, KY surcharge. Do not allow dwelling or endorsement and be sure to look at all cost in the itemized statement.
These Are the only allowable
Expenses on the home insurance
What is 706 and page through the case to the end
This should be generated for cases by the system. And how do you get it to generate
What is Verify lack of income and accept client statement for household
Adding adult member to household with no income (2part answer)
What is 12 months with personal record. Tax return if they file taxes
How many months used for self-employment
What is all resource accounts that are not viewable
This should be asked about and commented on when viewing EA
What is eye glasses/contacts, prescriptions, transportation, dentures
4 examples of allowable medical expense
What is drug felon information but you can input if anyone is in a drug program
This has been removed and is no longer necessary to be included in case notes.
What is verify termination only
Termination of income reported
What is savings and interest
These types of accounts (_____) need to be pended for (_____) and amounts updated In system
What is work registration and abawd
This should be commented on for all members age 15 and older and the reason why
What is 60 years or disabled and over 35$ monthly
Medical expenses are allowed for what types of individuals and after what amount will it count in a case
What is excluded income, case comments, and answering yes to expense screen question
When a client receives LIHEAP what areas should this be entered in system
What is client statement accepted for all.
Changes reported on mid review for address, household adding minor with no income, phone number, resources, rent, electric. Pend for…??
What is how are your expenses paid. If they pay a phone expense and receive liheap
Something you would ask a household with no income and something you would check for with a no income household

Family support

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