Carter | Noah | Audrey | Mom | Dad |
Lemon chicken pasta
(thanks audrey) :)
What is one of carters most recent favorite food that has been eaten
lime green
what is the color of the shirt that won me the nintendo switch?
What is Audrey's age?
What is mom's favorite color
pancakes, sausage, oj
What did dad have for breakfast today
What is carters favorite color
dark blue/dark silvery green
what is my CURRENT favorite color?
pride and predigest
What is Audrey's favorite book?
What is the name of mom's elementary school
How did dad meet mom?unemployment line at college
How did dad meet mom?
8th grade
What grade is carter going to be in
Dallas Temple
What was the first temple I did baptisms for the dead?
What is Audrey's favorite Disney movie?
Opening the pillsbury cans
What is mom's fears in the kitchen?
What color are Dad's eyes?
mario kart
What is the game that carter wants to get
What was the first game I got on the nintendo switch
What is the number of credits Audrey is taking next year?
Mr Gardner
What is the name of mom's favorite elementary school teacher
How much does Dad weigh right now?
What is carters favorite shape
what was the first animal I had?
Family Nessesities
What is the name of the department of Student Heroes in which Audrey served as executive?
What is the day of the week mom was born on?
RIght knee injury at homecoming senior year in high school.
Why did Dad take an ambulance ride to the hospital?