Marriage | Family Types/Unions | GENERAL |
What is Monogamy?
The marriage between one man and one woman
What is Multi generational household/ Extended family?
Family made up of multiple generations
What is kinship?
related to people by blood or marriage
What is Egalitarian/Equalitarian?
Equal decision making in the home between a couple where both function as Head.
What is Single Parent Family?
Family with one parent, with child or children
Family of origin; related to by only blood
What is Neolocal residence?
A situation in which a couple lives in their own place of residence after marriage
What is Matrifocal?
Single parent family headed by a female
What is Family?
Group of people related by blood, marriage, adoption or affinity usually sharing the same roof, supporting each other
What is Matrilocal residence?
A situation in which the couple resides with the bride's family
Family formed through the legal union
What is Financial Support?
Supporting family members by working, earning money, satisfying physical needs
What is Patriarchal Authority?
a Situation in which the man is the head of the family
Union which is involves a couple living together without being married
What is Emotional Support?
Supporting the family by satisfying needs of love, affection, attention etc.