Cooking | Disease | Vitamin | Physic | Black history |
What is 40 degrees
Refrigerator should be below thus tempature
What is anemia
When the body lacks iron or does not produce enough red blood cells
What is vitamin b
Folic acid
What is gravity
A force that draws bodies together also keeps us grounded
What is marcus garvey
He was the founder of the UNIA
What is 3
Leftovers should be thrown away after this many days
What is diabetes
Autoimmune disease where the body does not produce insulin to metabolize the glucose
What is vitamin a
What is kenetic
When an object is in motion it possess this type of energy
What is black panthers
This political organization founded by huey Newton took on police brutality
What is foil
Never put this in a microwave
What is cancer
A mutation in the genes of a cell
What is vitamin e
What is hydrogen
1st element on the periodical table
What is madam C J walker
She created hair products specifically for black woman hair
What is potassium
Eating to much sodium and not enough of this will cause high blood pressure
What is autism
Asperger, retts, and PDA are forms of this mental disorder
What is vitamin c
Ascorbic acid
What is waves
Sound energy moves through air by means of this
What is ida be wells
Before Rosa parks she refused to give up her seat and also documented the many lynchings of black people throughout America
What is 140 degrees
To kill bacteria in chicken must cook with temperature higher than
What is Corona virus
This virus got its name cause it resembles the sun
What is vitamin d
What is proton neutron and electron
An atom is made of these 3 particles
What is mansa mussa
The riches black man in recorded history and the founder of Timbuktu