Preposition | Conjunction | Verb | Combo |
There is some milk in the fridge.
Find the Preposition in the sentence
I tried to hit the nail but hit my thumb instead.
Find the Conjunction in the sentence
Anthony is throwing the football.
Find the Verb in the sentence
She will pick up the eggs and the vegetables from the market
Find the Verb,Conjunction and Preposition
Pick - Verb
And - Conjunction From - Preposition |
She was hiding under the table.
Find the Preposition in the sentence
I'd like a bike for commuting to work.
Find the Conjunction in the sentence
She accepted the job offer.
Find the Verb in the sentence
He wanted to study in France but his parents said no.
Find the Verb,Conjunction and Preposition
Wanted and said - Verb
But - Conjunction In - Preposition |
He drove over the bridge.
Find the Preposition in the sentence
You can have peach ice cream or a brownie.
Find the Conjunction in the sentence
He thought about his stupid mistake in the test.
Find the Verb in the sentence
She listens to the radio and watch the television a lot.
Find the Verb,Conjunction and Preposition
Listen and Watch - Verb
And - Conjunction To - Preposition |
She lost her ring at the beach.
Find the Preposition in the sentence
Neither the black dress nor the gray one looks right on me.
Find the Conjunction in the sentence
Neither and Nor
John visited his friend for a while and then went home.
Find the Verb in the sentence
He thanked me for the flowers though she doesn't like it.
Find the Verb,Conjunction and Preposition
Thanked and like - Verb
Though - Conjunction For - Preposition |
They were sitting by the tree.
Find the Preposition in the sentence
My dad always worked hard so we could afford the things we wanted.
Find the Conjunction in the sentence
The dog ran across the yard.
Find the Verb in the sentence
I applied for the job but I didn't get it.
Find the Verb,Conjunction and Preposition
Applied - Verb
But - Conjunction For - Preposition |